

A list of all my old websites

I made my first website when I was 14. I’ve done many random things since and I found back some of them. Here they are, the most recent first :


I really enjoy making portfolios, that’s why I’ve got so many of them :


My friend Jordan and I decided to see who would do the best calculator in one day, judge for yourself : his vs mine

My father asked me to redo the website of his company. Here is what I made.


Shar is a social network project I made with Jordan back in 2018. This is our first ruby on rails project. It is not hosted anymore but you can find the source code here


instant pic was a try on the unsplash API


mentalo is a small math game

Clicker 2

cliker 2 is an idle clicker game, I remember being proud of it, and it must have been better than the first one because I can find it.


delirious and nama are probably my very first projects, remember that at the time, simply using a variable was crazy to me !

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